Natural Face Lift Massage
Natural Face Lift Massage (Facial Rejuvenation) is a gentle non-invasive approach to looking younger. This therapy helps delay the visible signs of ageing and prevent further damage in the future by means of simple, natural and effective massage techniques and energy balancing to make the most of the assets you possess. It combines ancient theory with a practical, modern approach to looking and feeling your best, whatever your age. Its origins lie in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system that is over four thousand years old. A unique aspect of this technique is that it does not involve the use of any oils, creams or equipment. This makes it an ideal treatment for anyone suffering from product allergies.
Natural Face Lift Massage proves that you don’t need to undergo expensive procedures in order to look younger. Wrinkles and expression lines are eased, leaving a more vibrant, youthful appearance. Skin becomes softer, eyes appear brighter and the complexion looks fresher and more toned. Bagginess and puffiness around eyes and chin are reduced and flexibility and mobility return to the face. As well as the visible benefits, clients often report feeling more relaxed and positive, sleeping better and obtaining relief from headaches and other stress related symptoms. We can also add this treatment to a prenatal massage or postnatal massage.
Benefits include:​
Reduced wrinkles and expression lines
Tighter facial contours
Tones and improves complexion
Releases stress and tension in surrounding muscles
Relieves eye strain, tension headaches
Excellent for insomnia
Encourages positive and confident appearance
Total relaxation and enhanced well-being
Common Results Include: Brows lift, scowl lines relax and brows widen. Cheekbone area plumps, lines between nose and mouth soften and mid-face widens. Jawline and neck firm. Results are instant and cumulative.

Natural Facelift Massage was created by Kundan Mehta, owner of the London Centre of Indian Champissage International.